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Year 4 -Bottlenose Dolphin and Orca

Class teachers

Miss Sophie Peers (Bottlenose Dolphin) and Mr John Bass (Orca)

Learning Support Assistant and 1:1

Mrs Jo T-G 

Phase Leader 

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We hope that you have had a lovely summer break and are ready for the year ahead.  We have lots of new topics and activities to look forward to.  This is an important year in terms of developing independence in learning in preparation for Year 5 and 6.  We would very much hope that you support your child on this important part of their learning journey.

Drop off and Pick Up Time

The school gate opens at 8:40. Year 4 children should enter via the KS2 gate. At the end of the school day the children will leave via the KS2 gate at 3:25.


Year 4 are invited to take part in a residential. This is a very exciting time for them and more information will be shared via email later in the year.



Our first topic, ‘Brainwaves: metacognition’, focuses on the best ways to learn and strategies to becoming an effective learner. This will last three weeks and then we will start learning about the Egyptians! This topic is called ‘Temples, Tombs and Treasures’. During this topic we will be learning about how they live their life, writing and Gods and mythology.

Home/School Diaries

Please remember to check these daily for communications and sign weekly ready for the following week. Please continue to read with your child daily and encourage your child to record this in the home section as we are now focusing on independence in learning in preparation for Year 5 and 6.


As per the homework policy, the homework in Year 4 will consist of daily reading, TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed.

Spellings and Times-tables

Your child will continue to bring home weekly spellings.  They need to practise these daily in preparation for a test on Friday which will be marked in class with results going into Home/School diaries. 

The national Year 4 times-table test will take place in the summer term.  It is expected that Year 4 children will know up to 12x12 by the end of year 4.  We will be doing lots of work on these in class and ask that you practise regularly at home to support your child with their learning.  There will be a meeting nearer the time to go through the details of this test with you. The test is quite similar to the games on TT Rockstars so spending 10 minutes a day on this will prepare them for this test well.


We will provide the children with the equipment that they will need in class. Your child can bring in their own equipment.

Children will need to bring their own water bottle each day and this will be sent home to be washed at the end of each day. They can be refilled during the day as required.

Indoor PE: This will be on Thursday mornings – your child needs to wear the correct PE kit as per the policy. During year 4, the children will complete swimming lessons. More details will follow about this.

Outdoor PE: This will be on Wednesday afternoons - Regardless of the weather we will be going outside so please ensure children have sun cream and hats if weather is hot or a jacket if weather is cold.


Forest School: This will be on Wednesday mornings – your child will need a raincoat, waterproof trousers and wellington boots as we will be out regardless of the weather. Your child will need to bring this in a bag which will stay in their lockers. Forest school kits will be sent home at the end of each term for cleaning. Please ensure you child brings spare socks.

Please ensure all clothing and footwear for PE and Forest School is clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Mr Bass’ class will start Forest School on Wednesday 11th September and Miss Peers’ class will start their first session the following week on the 18th.  


Many thanks

The Year 4 Team


Term 1 overview 

Term 2 overview 


Term 3 overview 

Term 4 overview 

Term 5 overview 

Term 6 overview 

Coming soon