Year 4 -Bottlenose Dolphin and Orca
Class teachers
Miss Sophie Peers (Bottlenose Dolphin) and Mr John Bass (Orca)
Learning Support Assistant and 1:1
Mrs Jo T-G
Phase Leader
Welcome Back!
We hope that you have been able to relax over the Christmas break. We’d like to thank you for all the kind messages received at the end of last term. They were very much appreciated. We wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025!
Things you need to know about the Spring term:
- Home/school diaries need to be in school every day in order to record reading. Please remember to record all of their reading and sign the diaries weekly.
- Outdoor PE will restart this week and each Wednesday. Indoor PE will start this week and will be each Thursday (Bottle Nose Dolphin) and Friday (Orca). Please ensure your child brings to school their PE kit and the kit is named. As the weather is cold this time of year please ensure appropriate PE kit for this weather in school. All jewellery should be removed before the children come to school or earring tape is in their PE kit bag.
- Please ensure children have clothing suitable for the weather conditions of this time of year e.g coat, hat, gloves and spare socks. If you need any help with this please contact the school office.
- Forest school will run on alternate weeks for each class with Bottle Nose Dolphin starting this week on Wednesday 8th January. Don’t forget your waterproof kit, wellies and woolly socks!
- As we are approaching the residential could you please ensure payments are being made. There will be a meeting later to go over all of the other relevant information. Kit lists will also be sent out before half term. More information about the meeting will be shared.
This term we are studying two topics. The first of these is ‘Land sea and sky’. This focuses on geographical features, maps work, water pollution, food webs and life cycles.
The topic after half term will be ‘Travel and tourism’. During this topic we will be comparing life in the UK to life in North America. The children will start this topic by pretending to take a flight to North America and begin to explore the different countries that make up the continent.
Just to remind you homework consists of: TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed, daily reading and Accelerated Reader.
We are encouraging the children to read for enjoyment and pleasure and expect them to read at least five times a week. This reading should be recorded in their Home/School diary with the title and pages read.
Year 4 is an important year in terms of establishing good organisational skills that will support future independence in learning. It’s important that children take responsibility for their own ‘Home/School Diary’, belongings and homework.
Times tables
Please continue to support your child learning their times tables at home with daily practice as the children have the Multiplication Check coming up.
If you have any concerns, please come and share them with us.
With very best wishes,
Year 4 Team
Term 1 overview
Term 2 overview
Term 3 overview
Term 4 overview
Term 5 overview
Term 6 overview