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Year 1 — Brachiosaurus and Stegosaurus

Class teachers

Miss Stephanie Forward (Stegosaurus) and Mrs Rachel Rice + Mrs Nicole Tapp  (Brachiosaurus)

Learning Support Assistants and 1:1s

Mrs. Tina Anderson and Mrs Nicole Lothian

Phase Leader 

Miss Steph Forward

Dear Year 1 Families,


We can’t quite believe we are now in the last term of the school year!


The children are continuing to make us proud, making marvelous progress each week and starting to show us that they are Year 2 ready! We look forward to the phonics screening check, which we know the children have been working hard toward over their time in Year 1. We are sending our love and thoughts to Mrs Anderson while she is absent and we look forward to her return.


We are also very much looking forward to our phase 1 trip to Gullivers on Tuesday 18th June. We are also excited about our Fruity Friday this Friday. Children will be collected as usual at the doors unless you are kindly volunteering to help us, in which case you can collect them at 3.15pm and they can come out with you under your supervision to help with the sales! We are keeping it super simple, selling our deluxe fruit cocktail cups! If you are available on Friday morning to help us prep the fruit salad, please let us know!


A reminder that Forest school is every Thursday, with indoor PE on a Tuesday and outdoor PE on Thursday. Library day is on a Wednesday! Could we also please ask at all times your child has their ‘Little Wandle’, reading practice book with them, so we are able to read with them frequently (sometimes even daily!) throughout the week! Also remember that ‘Reading Eggs’ accounts are still active and are another great way to support your child’s reading at home!


This term we have a science-based topic called ‘The Earth-Our home’, we will begin this topic by looking at ways to look after the world around us, and continue to develop our scientific knowledge focusing on animals including humans.


We will be exploring how animals adapt to their habitats and how this changes across the globe! The theme of our Earth will continue to run alongside our English planning, supported by our topic text ‘Dear Greenpeace’ a beautiful book based on looking after the planet. We will be using the text to explore descriptive writing, speech, poems and letters! In Maths we will be extending our knowledge of numbers up to 100! This will include representing numbers, partitioning, comparing and ordering! This is a key skill within Maths and the rapid recall will support your child with their maths! We will also explore time and money in the later weeks of the term!


As always a huge thank you for your commitment to your child’s learning and a huge thank you for the support we receive in the school!


Miss Forward, MrsTapp and Mrs Rice



Term 1 Overview

TerM 2 overview

Term 3 Overview


Term 5 overview 

Term 6 overview