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Year 1 — Coral Reef

Class teachers

Miss Brooks and Mrs Aimee Herman 

Learning Support Assistants and 1:1s

Mrs Tina Anderson 

Phase Leader 

Deanshanger Primary School


Year 1 – Spring 1

Welcome back!

We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas break and have made lots of wonderful memories. We are very excited to dive back into our learning!

In our new Topic ‘Green Fingers’, we will be learning about plants and how important they are to our world. Plants are living things – they grow when we give them enough sunlight, food and water. Plants give us food to eat, clean air to breathe and materials to build our houses and furniture. We will learn how we can use plants to make clothes and medicines, and to decorate our gardens. To fully engage with this unit, our children will need to be scientists, geographers and international learners!  Children will finish the topic with the knowledge and understanding of just how important plants are to our world!

In Maths children will be developing their knowledge and understanding of numbers up 20, including number bonds, addition and subtraction and fact families! Children will also be applying their topic knowledge of plants to their literacy, creating information texts about how plants grow and writing rules about how we should look after our world!

As always will be continuing with our daily Little Wandle Phonic lessons.  As new sounds are still being introduced each week it will really help to support your child if you revisit these at home. We will therefore be uploading the new sounds onto the class story for you, so you know what your child is learning and can continue to practice these at home.

Reading books will also continue to be sent home every Friday, please can you ensure your child has their diary and book with them every day as this really helps, not only with book swaps but also to ensure they are able to be read with an adult using their reading practise book! Unfortunately, If your child does not return their book on a Friday, they cannot be issued with another. Our books come in sets, and this impacts other groups also, so please support us in keeping the rotation of books going smoothly. We strongly plead with you to read at home with your children whenever possible and record this in their diary. This has a huge impact on their development and progression

PE days continue to remain the same (Indoor Wednesday and outdoor Friday), as well as Forest school on Tuesday. Library day is a Wednesday so please make sure books are returned so the children can swap them! The children are still taking full advantage of the OPAL play scheme at lunch times, so it is important that they always have their waterproofs and wellies in school for this. If you would be able to send your child to school with a spare pair of socks that would be much appreciated as often, they still seem to manage to get water through their wellies and we don’t want soggy feet all day!

A gentle reminder to always order your children’s school meals. Our school lunch team work really hard cooking away for the children and any missed meals may cause an issue with quantities. If you do forget, you can still send your child to school with a packed lunch on those days.

Another huge thank you for all your ongoing support!

Kind regards

Miss Brooks, Mrs Herman and Mrs Anderson



Term 1 Overview

TerM 2 overview

Term 3 Overview


Term 5 overview 

Term 6 overview