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Year 5 — Ankylosaurus and Dilophosaurus

Class teachers

Mrs. Hannah Bailey (Ankylosaurus) and Mr. Niall Taylor (Dilophosaurus)

Learning Support Assistants and 1:1s

Mrs Di Smith and Mrs Allison Penwell

Phase Leader and Deputy Head

Mr. Mike Pennington

Dear Year 5 Families,


Welcome back! We hope you had a great half term!

· Outdoor PE is on a Friday

· Indoor PE is on a Tuesday

· Forest School will continue to be on Thursday afternoons. Please ensure forest school kit and wellies are in school. This kit is also used by the children at break and lunchtime if it is muddy and they are on the field. If children do not have full kit, they will not be able to attend Forest School.


There will be weekly maths and spag homework. This will be set on a Monday. We will be discussing and marking the work on the following Monday, so it is vital that it is in school by then.

The children are also expected to continue learning their times tables on TTRockstars or by any means necessary! They are doing very well with these so far so thank you for your support.


This term our topic is ‘Being Human’.

In Science, we’ll be learning about:

· The function of bones and the muscles in the body

· The human heart and how it works

· What the respiratory system does

· The connection between the respiratory and circulatory systems

· The characteristics that offspring can inherit from their parents

· The nature versus nurture debate

· The nutrients our body systems need and how they get them.

In Health and Wellbeing, we’ll be learning about:

· The various stages in the human life cycle

· The physical and social, emotional changes during puberty

· Strategies for managing stress during puberty

· The ageing process in humans

· Threats to our health

· The different nutrients in a healthy diet.

In Art, we’ll be learning about:

· How to draw a person using correct proportions

· Creating body-in-motion artwork.

Class Dojo

Just a quick reminder about ‘Class Dojo’ stories. We endeavour to post at least once a week something we have been learning about in school. We would really love to hear from you, if your children talk about it at home or any further learning you undertake!


Please feel free to contact us, our email addresses are below. We endeavour to reply to emails within 2 working days. If your matter is urgent, then please call the office to pass a message on or catch us on the gate at the end of the day.

Kind regards,

Mr Taylor and Mrs Bailey.



Term 1 overview 

Term 2 overview 

Term 3 overview 

Term 4 overview 

Term 5 overview 

Term 6 overview 



To support learning in maths and English, Year 5 children have made short videos to explain some key concepts.


Exclamation Marks and Question Marks


Statements and Commands


Capital letters


Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers


Square Numbers

Cube Numbers

Digits and words


Negative Numbers
