Year 6 — Tiger Shark and Sea Otters
Class teachers
Mr. Mike Pennington (Tiger shark) and Mrs Hannah Bailey (Sea Otters)
Learning Support Assistants and 1:1s
Mrs Smith
Phase Leader
Welcome back Year 6!
Happy New Year!
We hope you all had a relaxing, restful and enjoyable Christmas break? We are looking forward to building on a positive Autumn Term with further hard work as we face new challenges in 2025.
Much of the key information from last term remains in place but, as a reminder, here it is:
Mrs Penwell will be teaching Mrs Bailey’s class on Thursdays and Mr Pennington’s class on Fridays.
Children will be coming into school through the big KS2 gate at 08.40am, then will make their way straight into class ready to commence the school day at 08:50.
At the end of the day (3.25pm) children are to be collected from the KS2 gate or, with parental permission, they will be allowed to walk home. We encourage the children to head straight home and not loiter on The Green or its surrounding areas.. Year 6 staff will be available at the gate at the end of the day for any quick queries.
Indoor PE is on a Monday and Outdoor PE is on a Tuesday. Please make sure that you attend school wearing the correct PE kit.
Forest Schools continues to be on Wednesdays with the sessions rotating on a fortnightly basis. Tiger Sharks will begin on the 8th January and Sea Otters on the 15th January – Please ensure wellies, forest school kit and any warm clothing is in school.
Children have access to the library for reading book changes on a regular basis. However, our specified library day is changing to Wednesdays. Children should have a reading book and Home School Diary in school every day.
There will be weekly spelling activities set on Spelling Shed. There is an expectation that all children access TTRocksters regularly to reinforce their recall of multiplication and division facts. We expect every child to be reading throughout each week at home and for their home school diary to be signed. If you have any difficulties accessing these sites, then please let your class teacher know.
Our topics this term are 900CE and Earth: As an Island.
In ‘900CE’ - we will be learning that at 900 CE different ancient civilizations were rising and declining across the world. We will study the ancient Mayan civilization, the Kingdom of Benin and the rise of the Islamic empire. We will need to be historians and use artefacts and historical sources to make observations about the life cycle of civilizations and the legacies they leave us. What happens when empires grow? What causes change and decline? What have we learnt from these past civilisations?
In ‘Earth as an Island’ - we will look at the impact humans have had on the world’s islands. We will be learning about how islands, often once isolated places, have become increasingly part of the global community. How has this changed their culture, geographical features and ecosystems? As we go island hopping, we will need to be geographers, designers and artists who are internationally minded and globally competent.
Class Dojo
We will continue to post some of the children’s learning on Class Dojo via Class Stories. This will continue to provide you with the opportunity to celebrate the children’s learning by liking and commenting. You will also be able to see how many Dojos your child has earned as well as any consequences recorded for poor behaviour.
Term 1 overview
Term 2 overview
Term 3 overview
Term 4 overview
Term 5 overview
Term 6 overview