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Year 6 — Spinosaurus and Diplodocus

Class teachers

Mr. Mike Pennington (Spinosaurus) and Mr. Nik Larcombe (Diplodocus)

Learning Support Assistants and 1:1s

Mrs Allison Penwell, Mrs Di Smith and Mrs Emilie Stevenson

Phase Leader and Deputy Head

Mr. Mike Pennington


Dear Year 6 Families,


Welcome back to school! We hope you and the children had a great week and are ready for the term ahead. Every term in school is important, of course – but this term is particularly significant as it marks the last few weeks that the children will be together as a class, a Year Group and as valued members of the school family.


There are still many important areas of the curriculum to cover in the coming weeks, so class learning is still very important – especially during a time of coming changes and transition.


Speaking of transition, the children are likely to have transition days organised during this term. This is organised by your child’s secondary school. However, if you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, please let us know and we’ll help where we can. Members of staff from EWS School will be visiting on Wednesday 5th June to answer questions from the children about the next stage of their adventure and transition.


Plans are underway for the Year 6 ‘Prom’ on Thursday 18th July. More details will be shared with you soon, but there have already been questions about what the children should wear. We understand that – particularly in today’s world – finances do not necessarily stretch to elaborate Prom clothes. Instead, we invite the children to wear whatever makes them happy and comfortable.


Preparations for the Year 6 Leavers’ Celebration on Friday 19th July have also begun. Can we make a request? Could you email us or send in photographs (which will be scanned and returned) of your child throughout their lives? They could be from any time in their childhood – newborn or recent. This will be used to celebrate the children during their special leavers’ event.


The majority of the year group organisation will continue as before the holidays but as a reminder, please be aware of the following:


· PE will begin again on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We will change in school for these lessons.


· Forest School will begin for Diplodocus Class on Wednesday 5th June and for Spinosaurus Class on Wednesday 12th June and then revert to alternate weeks. Children should have a waterproof pair of trousers, top and appropriate footwear to take part in these sessions. We accept that many of the children have grown out of their forest school kit, and that replacing this with only a few visits left could be a cost too far! Please try to provide any waterproof clothing and footwear needed to avoid getting messy and – dare we mention it – wet, during soggier days!


Our annual Fathers’ Day Event will take place on Friday 14th June.



This term, our topic is ‘Growing Up, Sex & Relationships.’


This unit will be taught in separate groups, the girls with Mrs. Rice and the boys with Mr. Larcombe. As we mentioned in previous communication and in our meeting, it’s really important that the children have the opportunity to learn about physical/emotional changes they might experience in the months ahead and ask any questions they might have. These will of course be addressed discreetly and supportively. There is a questions box available so that the children can ask questions anonymously, the answers to which will be addressed in lessons, where appropriate.


If you have any questions or concerns about any area of this topic that you haven’t already raised with us, please do get in touch.


In other topics within the IPC we will be studying the ‘Fairgrounds’ Unit, which focusses on Forces and Electricity. The children will be undertaking practical science activities, which – aside from being wonderful learning opportunities, and a chance to use the science garden – should also be great fun!


Look out for the collaborative design project information on Class Dojo!


If you or your child have any questions, please feel free to email us directly or chat to us on the school gate at the end of the school day.

Kind regards,

Year 6 team

Nik Larcombe:

Mike Pennington:

Di Smith



Term 1 overview 

Term 2 overview 

Term 3 overview 

Term 4 overview 

Term 5 overview 

Term 6 overview