Chair of Governor Updates
As you will have read in the last newsletter you will have seen that after over 30 years I have decided to stand down as a governor. I wanted to say that it has been a real privilege and pleasure to have been part of the school community and watched as the school has grown and changed in so many ways.
As a Governor I have served under 5 head teachers and each has brought their unique qualities and skills to the role and helped in the development of the school, and as a Governor I have welcomed being part of this journey.
As Chair for the last 3 years I have faced many challenges alongside the Head Teacher and hopefully with the other Governors positively supported her in resolving these challenges.
One of the real pleasures has been visiting the school both for educational purposes and social activities. The staff and children are always so welcoming and it is so exciting to see the wide range of learning taking place and the commitment, energy and dedication of both staff and children.
I would be remiss if I didn’t say that you as parents have been so supportive of the school and Governing Body and your attendance at so many activities has added to the life of the community.
I want to say that the next academic year will see our joining the Grand Union Partnership as part of the MAT and I have every confidence that this will create new opportunities for everyone
I wanted to say thank you to Mrs. Rice as Headteacher and working with you has been a real pleasure.
I want to say a big thank you to all the staff, children, parents and governors for their support over the last 30 years and wish everyone all the best for the future.
Although I am standing down as a governor, I am not cutting my ties with the school completely. I hope to find new ways of supporting the staff and children through volunteering, so you may well see me around the school wearing a different hat.
Deanshanger Primary School has been a big part of my life since my late wife and I moved to the village in 1981, and I have been so grateful to have been able to contribute to its life through my time as a Governor.
Thank you once again for all your support and good wishes.
Mr David Aaronson
Mr Peter Nickoll is our Acting Chair of Governors.
To contact Mr Nickoll about any time, please note the following email address