Governor Updates
“Cometh the hour cometh the man”
This happened to me very recently, as this well-known saying states!
I’m Andy Limbert and I’ve been a member of the school’s governing board for a number of years, during which time I’ve held a variety of positions, the most recent of which has been Vice Chair of the Board.
This appointment came about when Peter Nickoll was elected Chair of the board and I was elected to the position of his Vice Chair, or as Peter called it “his wing man”.
Peter and his wife (unfortunately for the school) have decided to relocate to Canterbury, to be nearer to their family, returning to the area in which they grew up. This move has therefore meant that he has had to resign his position of Chair, leaving me in the unenviable position of filling his boots until a new chair is elected. (Watch this space for an imminent announcement!)
Peter has been a fantastic Chair, incredibly supportive of Mrs Rice and all the team at DPS, and has in-depth knowledge of education. He was a past head teacher of DPS a number of years ago.
The hour “cometh” when the board was to hold its full governor's meeting last Tuesday and I received not one but 2 “invitations” to chair this up and coming meeting. The first message came from the Clerk to the Board, Penny Parkin, and the second, if the first wasn’t enough, Phil Webster, the C.E.O. of the Board of Trustees of the Grand Union Partnership. How could one refuse?
Well, the meeting went ahead, we covered all the items on the agenda unpicking school progress, considered the school development plan, shared our governor's reports, planned future school visits (myself and Mr Owen joined the science elevation group this week) and finished on time! Success? Well, I hope so. It could be the one and only time I chair the full board meeting because a new chair should be taking up the role very soon.
Best wishes to all of you.
Andy Limbert