Behaviour System
Hopefully, over the last few weeks, your child has talked to you about a ‘New Behaviour System’ that we have been trialling. The aim of this system is to provide a more consistent approach to behaviour across the school and provide you (our parents) with greater transparency as to how rewards are earned and the consequences in place for when our children make poor choices.
Following a successful trial period and the odd tweak, I am pleased to able to provide you with a copy of the ‘final draft’ of the Behaviour System for your awareness.
The new system is all linked to Class Dojo and will show when your child receives R points for rewards and C points for consequences. R1, R2 or R3 or on the rare occasion when your child makes a mistake (from which they can learn) or is having an ‘off day’, (which we all have), they may receive a C1, C2 or C3. You should receive a notification informing you and the reason for their ‘Reward’ or ‘Consequence’. As the system is all linked to Class Dojo, it is imperative that you have signed up to it. Please report any difficulties with Class Dojo to your child’s teacher.
Children in our EYFS classes will only receive positive dojos as we feel that, at this early stage, of their education, it may be a little too much to be handing out consequences. As Year 1 approaches, the teachers will begin to introduce our ‘Behaviour System’ so that the children are familiar with it ready for their next academic year.
Please note that should a Consequence be issued, NO Dojos will be lost, as we believe once a reward has been earned, it should not be removed. Should your child receive a consequence (C1, C2 or C3), please discuss this with them but with the understanding that ‘all children make mistakes.’
Moving forward, our next steps are to ensure children from across the school are being rewarded the same amount of ‘Dojos’ for the same things and that the rewards available in the ‘Dojo Shop’ are consistent as well.
Once again, I would like to thank those parents who attended the Parent Action Group for their input on behaviour and I hope that the new system goes a long way to providing what you were asking for.
Thank you for your ongoing support with this new initiative.
Mr Mike Pennington
Deputy Head