Whilst we are very much focused on ensuring this final term of the school year is a great one in terms of progress, experiences, and happiness, it's that time of year when we are also making plans for the school year ahead.
The staffing plan and individual class lists will be shared by Friday 5th July in readiness for the 'going up' afternoons on Wednesday 10th July. The teachers are busy writing the end-of-year reports, and these will be shared with you on Wednesday 17th July. The last day of term is Friday 19th July. Between now and then though, there is a huge amount to fit in. Please keep a close eye on your child's home school diary and the school calendar, to keep up to date.
As always, Wrap Club will be running in the summer, but due to the take up in recent years, we will only be running it for the first two weeks of the summer break this year, ie, Monday 22nd July until Friday 2nd August. Wherever possible, early bookings make it easier for us to plan ahead. Thank you.
Please look out for the annual parent survey as it is shared on Monday 10th June. We would really appreciate your feedback on the questions to help us to continually reflect and improve in all areas of school life. The survey will be open until Friday 28th June and should only take a few minutes, so please try to join in. Thank you.
If your child has outgrown their current uniform, or you'd like to get stocked up for the new school year, please help yourself to our pre-loved uniform in Admin. Similarly, if you would like to donate washed items, we'd be happy to have them.
Ties are available for £5 from Admin too. The ties are only needed in Year 6.
Homework Questionnaire
A huge thank you to all those parents who took the time to complete the Homework Questionnaire. There were some incredibly forthright thoughts and opinions and I am grateful for your honesty.
As with most things linked to education, pleasing everyone all of the time is a difficult challenge. For example, many of you and your children enjoy the fact that the majority of our homework is online whilst others are keen to limit screen time, preferring paper-based homework instead.
I intend to share the responses with the Staff Team and discuss what amendments are needed to be made to our current Homework Provision in time for the beginning of the next academic year.
Many thanks
Mike Pennington
Healthy Eating Poster Competition!
As an optional homework, we would like your child/children to create a poster that can encourage healthy eating and healthy food choices. These posters need to promote healthy eating messages so they must show healthy eating quotes such as ‘eat 5 a day’. Please send your entries to the office by Friday 14th June. Presentation and spelling will be taken into account when selecting winners.
The winners will be selected by the school council and will have their posters laminated and displayed around school and will receive 50 dojo points!
GB Athlete Sponsorship Event
Thank you so much for your support so far with our Sports for Schools Athlete event with Sean Rose on Monday 10th June. We have so far raised an astonishing £1900 - Truly amazing!! This will be solely spent on improving sport and PE at DPS through new equipment and opportunities.
A reminder that all children need to come to school wearing their PE kit on Monday (red/white t-shirt, red/black hoodie, black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers). Reception children can wear sporty clothes.
An email will be sent on Monday with a link to the gallery sharing all the photos of the event day. A video of the day will be shared at a later date.
Please keep sharing sponsorship forms and online pages. A reminder that child get the following rewards:
Raise anything: A5 sheet of motivational stickers
Raise £5 or more: sheet of stickers, plus a blue Sports for Schools wristband
Raise £15 or more: all of the above, plus a red wristband with the athlete’s signature
Raise £30 or more: all of the above, plus a signed athlete poster
There’s still a week left to collect sponsorship. Please click the following link to set-up a quick and easy online sponsorship page for your child/ren: https://sportal.sportsforschools.org/events/24486/promo
Any physical sponsorship forms with money need to be returned by Monday 17th June. Keep collecting up until then!
Thanks once again for all your support! If you have any questions then please get in touch via email: ntaylor@deanshanger.northants.sch.uk
Thanks again,
Niall Taylor
Upcoming Sporting Activities
17/18th June - Whole school breakdancing workshop
2nd July - KS1 Sports Day
5th July - KS2 Sports Day
Thank you for all of your support with PE and sport at our school. It is so great to see more and more children being active and enjoying a range of different sports. As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or feedback regarding PE and sport at DPS. Please contact Mr Taylor - ntaylor@deanshanger.northants.sch.uk
We have been so lucky to welcome Stony Stratford Tennis Club to DPS to host an awesome, outside assembly and sessions for all our children over the last two days. A special thank you to Toby and John for the fun and engaging tennis lessons! Your child/ren have brought home a free session voucher for the club if they want to play more tennis! Please see the gallery on the website for all the photos. https://www.deanshangerprimary.co.uk/gallery/?pid=3&gcatid=2
Stony Stratford Tennis Club, Ostlers Lane, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1AR
West Northamptonshire stay connected June 2024
This newsletter focuses on all the amazing events, clubs and groups that families, children and young people can access across the county that are free or affordable to attend.
Forest School Plant Sale
Wednesday 12th June - after-school
Along with the forest school team, classes have been growing lots of flowers and vegetables from seed at Forest School. They will be selling these after school on 12th June. All money made will be reinvested into forest school activities.
Support, Inspire, Challenge
Make a difference!
Become a Parent Governor
Did you know?
Parents governors are volunteers who work as part of the Local Academy Committee for Deanshanger Primary.
Governors at the school work together to provide support and challenge for the school leadership team.
Alongside a meeting each half-term, they visit the school regularly to gain assurance that current priorities are being effectively taken forward.
We are currently looking for a new parent governor.
If you wish to stand for election, you may nominate yourself as a candidate. No proposer or seconder is required, but you must signify your intention to stand, in writing. Those eligible to stand are the parents or carers of pupils who are currently registered pupils at this school. A person who works at the school for more than 500 hours in a consecutive twelve-month period or who is an elected member of the Local Authority is not eligible to be a parent governor.
The term of office will be for a period of four years. A parent whose child leaves the school may continue as a parent governor until the end of their term of office, if he or she so wishes.
Nominations should be sent to me within the next two weeks, that is before the closing date for nominations, which is 21st June. If there is only 1 parent nominated, they will of course be elected unopposed, but if there are more candidates than vacancies, a ballot will be held.
Knowledge of the education sector is not required, but a passion to make a positive contribution most definitely is!
It’s challenging, but extremely rewarding work.
Email: headteacher@deanshanger.northants.sch.uk or
01908 268920
We would love to hear from you!
Deanshanger Primary School is part of The Grand Union Partnership, a local Trust of three other primary schools - Old Stratford, Jubilee Wood and New Bradwell. The Local Academy Committee of each school is delegated its responsibilities by the Board of Trustees.
Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINs)
We are part of the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) Project. Please support this project by completing the parent survey. Your responses will help us to identify areas of strength and development and will help to shape the support we receive from the project.
The project will work on:
· Developing confidence and expertise in supporting neurodiversity in the classroom
· Improving the school environment to support neurodiverse children to engage in learning
· Develop an inclusive culture that improves efficacy of other interventions
· Strengthening partnerships between parents and school.
We are hoping to hold a parent coffee morning where you will be able to find out more about the project. We will set a date for this soon.
You can access the survey here: https://wnvp.surveysparrow.com/s/pins-parent-carer-survey/tt-IsxCT
The responses are sent directly to the Voices in Partnership.
Thank you for your participation and we look forward to sharing with your our progress throughout this project.
Mrs Parsonson
PTA dates for your diary
Colour Run – June 21st: following the success of last year’s amazing colour run, the PTA will be holding another on the school field straight after school at 3.30pm. Wristbands for runners can be purchased on the PTA’s ticket website for £4 per runner – children, older/younger siblings, friends, parents and carers are all welcome to take part in this event. This is a parent/carer accompanied event so we do ask that all children under 16 are accompanied by an adult, any wrap club children who wish to join in may purchase a wristband and will be supervised by the wrap club team. Those who just wish to spectate may do so free of charge.
Summer Raffle – June 21st: The PTA will draw the summer raffle at the end of the colour run event. This year’s amazing star prize is a brand-new Play Station 5!! You can also expect the usual great variety of voucher prizes and hampers. Please help us sell as many tickets as possible. More books of tickets can be picked up from the school office.
Summer Disco – July 11th: The final disco of the school year will take place after school on July 11th. 3:30 to 4:30 for KS1 and 5:00 to 6:30 for KS2. Tickets will be on sale shortly via the PTA website.
If you would like to get involved with the PTA or are able to spare a few hours to help support the events above, please get in touch via: ChairOfPTA@deanshanger.northants.sch.uk.
Volunteers Day - Saturday 20th July
9am - 1pm
Last year, for the first time, we had a parent volunteer day at the end of the summer term. It was a roaring success and we had a large group of parents come in to help with lots of jobs around the school with projects such as painting, jet washing and gardening.
We intend to run another one this year and would love your support. You can volunteer for an hour, two hours, three hours... we really don't mind. No experience is needed, just lots of enthusiasm. We'd love to be able to get the school in the best place possible for the new year ahead.
Thank you
Fruity Friday
Due to popular demand, we have reinstated Fruity Fridays!
On the dates shown, the children are warmly encouraged to bring in a fruit item from home. The year group will do some creative thinking and turn the items into a healthy treat and they will be sold at the end of the school day to all families. The money raised goes directly to the year group to buy any 'nice to haves' they have voted on.
Year 6, 2, 5 3 and 1 have started the sales extremely well, providing lots of tasty and healthy treats.
Friday 21st June - Year 4
Friday 12th July - Reception
Safeguarding: Ensuring Safety
We are very keen to encourage active ways of traveling to and from school, but after a near miss this week, please speak to your children about road safety. In the assembly today, Mrs Watson spoke about the importance too.
Walking to School: Please ensure your children stay close to you at all times. It's crucial for their safety that they remain by your side while walking, particularly when crossing the roads. If your child walks to school on their own, please remind them to take great care and to cross the road with Mrs Johnstone if possible.
Scooters and Bikes: For those arriving by scooters or bikes, again please remind your child/ren to stay close to use and not speed ahead. We would like to see all children wear a helmet for their safety too.
Driving Near School: We kindly ask all families who drive, to continue observing very slow speeds in the vicinity of the school and during drop-off times. Toby, below, is new to our school and is helping us to support safe driving. Even if you are running a few minutes late, we need you to drive slowly and take great care.
If you have any safeguarding concerns or questions at any time, don't hesitate to make contact:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Mrs Rachel Rice
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) - Mrs. Lynn Mildren, Mrs. Natalie Parsonson, Miss. Steph Forward and Mr. Mike Pennington
Father's Day BBQ Lunch
Friday 14th June
Bookings are now well under way for our annual Father's Day lunch. The BBQ lunch is £5. The children will already have eaten, so the BBQ is for dads and dad figures only. As always, we'll be hoping for glorious sunshine.
You are all warmly invited to join us at 12 pm, but please then spend time chilling on the school field and playing until your ticket is called.
If your youngest child in the school is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, you will receive a yellow ticket as you sign in on the day meaning that you will be served a burger between 12 and 12.25 pm. Please don't join the BBQ line if you don't have a yellow ticket. When yellow ticket adults have had their lunch, they are welcome to stay and play until 1pm.
If your youngest child in the school is in Year 3 or 4, you will receive a green ticket as you sign in on the day meaning that you can have fun with your child/ren until 12.25 and will then be served a burger between 12.25 and 12.45 pm. Please don't join the BBQ line at 12.25pm if you don't have a green ticket. When green ticket adults have had their lunch, you are more than welcome to stay and play until 1 pm.
If your youngest child in the school is in Year 5 or 6, you will receive a blue ticket when you sign in on the day. Feel free to come in at 12 pm, but you won't be called for the BBQ lunch until 12.45pm.
If you are not having the BBQ lunch but want to come in to 'play' only, we look forward to seeing you too. Please ensure that you sign in as you arrive. You won't receive a coloured ticket.
We like to advertise local events in the newsletter, and particularly those of close relevance to our school and local community. Former student, Emily Penwell, is taking the lead role in the dance concert below! Congratulations to Emily - we are very proud of you.
The next three weeks @DPS
Thank you very much to Jacob, Freya and family, for looking after Terry the Tortoise over the holiday. As you can clearly see, he had a wonderful time.
Plans for Terry's summer holiday are yet to be made if you are keen to have him for all or some of the holiday.
Thank you
As always, if you have any concerns or comments to share, please always do this straight away. Open communication is very important to us.
Rachel Rice