Thank you very much to everyone in, and supporting, the school in numerous ways for making it another strong year of learning.
Working together, your children have made good progress and have been well-supported to be all-rounded, fabulous young people.
This is a huge team effort - thank you.
On Friday, we sadly said goodbye to some very strong team players here at Deanshanger. Huge thanks and very best wishes in their next endeavours, to Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Simons, Mrs. Lothian, Mrs. Ritchie, Mr Larcombe and Mrs. Gordon from her catering role. Your hard work and dedication is very much appreciated.
Year 6 Performance
Our Year 6 students performed the most phenomenal concert to their families on Friday. Their confidence, positivity, teamwork, talent and humour shone brightly and, in my very unbiased opinion, they provided the very best possible performance to make their families proud, happy, and at times, very emotional!
Their unique and individual talents shone through brightly and despite none of the year group being part of the performing arts club, they performed to West End standards - again, in my very unbiased opinion!
Thanks to Mr Pennington and Mr Larcombe for brilliantly teaching this group this year and ensuring that this final send-off was fitting.
The group also had a fun prom on Thursday evening.
In memory of Mr and Mrs Aaronson, The Aaronson Memorial Writing Competition was launched earlier this year. In June, we held a whole school / Trust writing opportunity using Pixar's Lava as the writing stimulus, and every child in the school produced the most beautiful writing. We shortlisted 16 children's writing and shared them with the Friends of Deanshanger Library (who came up with the idea of this special award).
After much deliberation, their final decision was made!
Huge congratulations to Millie and Georgia for being our first-ever annual award winners.
This special award has started a new and extraordinary tradition in our school - a way of supporting excellence in writing and creativity in a way that honours David and Angela Aaronson.
Catering Updates
Fresh Start, our catering provider up until last week, made the decision to stop providing lunches at our school. We invited Fresh Start to Deanshanger Primary eight years ago and we have really enjoyed their healthy and home-cooked lunches ever since. Our catering team, employed by Fresh Start, have been very much part of the Deanshanger team and have served hundreds of delicious meals in this time.
Starting in September, we will be taking our catering services in-house. Our goal is to continue to provide an extensive range of nutritious and delicious foods, and we are committed to involving the children in the menu-planning process too. This initiative aligns with our focus on healthy eating and ensuring that our students have access to balanced and wholesome meals. The meals will cost £2.60 per day.
We are pleased that Miss Victoria Hopkins and Mrs. Shelley Fletcher will be staying with the school as we move from being Fresh Start to catering in a very similar style in-house. We are very sad, however, that Mrs Lisa Gordon is stepping down from her role (see below).
We believe that by bringing the catering in-house, we can offer a personalised service and cater to the needs and preferences of our students. We are enthusiastic about this new chapter and really hope to extend take up of the lunches.
The new booking system will be on Arbor and the office team are currently working to make these available. We anticipate that bookings will be open on Arbor near the end of the summer break but don’t panic – everything will be shared with you including information about how to make the meal choices. Just as you currently transfer and pay for school trips and events, you will be able to pay for lunches via Arbor in the Meals section.
Lots more information will follow.
Please also be reminded that school lunches for children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 are funded by the Department for Education (DfE), ensuring that all our younger students continue to receive free meals.
Oh Mrs Gordon, we are going to miss you!
After 14 years of cooking and serving our school lunches, Mrs Gordon is hanging up her apron at Deanshanger! She is much more than our lead chef; she lives and breathes Deanshanger Primary and loves nothing more than to cater for 300+ Christmas lunches, as many mums and dads that can squeeze in the hall and extending delicious lunches to the local community with lunches for the elderly and Christmas lunches in the village. She knows every child's favourite meal, every child's dislikes and every child's allergies - what a star! Mrs Gordon is going to be very sorely missed.
We will still see Mrs Gordon every day (as she works in Wrap Club), but will miss her tasty lunches and smiles. School lunches without her will be very odd.
Top Table
Congratulations to the children below for being selected for the final Top Table of the school year! Kindness and manners at lunch time, don't go unnoticed.
We are delighted with our new library furniture. The library has been largely restocked and will be completely ready for full use in September. An opening ceremony will be planned as our way of thanking the whole Aaronson family.
Dear Deanshanger School,
On behalf of the whole team at St Mark’s Meals, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for taking part in our Dress for Dinners fundraiser and raising a wonderful total of £100.85p and food donations.
This generous donation will help us make and distribute 14 meal boxes, 56 creating plates of food. Your support is truly appreciated!
By participating in our school fundraiser, you not only provided us with essential funds to continue our mission but also helped raise awareness of food poverty within our community.
Thank you once again for your incredible support.
Kind regards,
Rachel, Jo, Becky, Esther, and Paul
St Mark’s Meals Team
Don't forget to come and help yourself to pre-loved school uniform at the start of the new school year and donate any items that are no longer needed. Thank you
The ties, for Y6 students, are available from the school office for £5.
West Northamptonshire Stay Connected July 2024
This newsletter focuses on all the amazing events, clubs and groups that families, children and young people can access across the county that are free or affordable to attend.
Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINs)
We are part of the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) Project. Please support this project by completing the parent survey. Your responses will help us to identify areas of strength and development and will help to shape the support we receive from the project.
The project will work on:
· Developing confidence and expertise in supporting neurodiversity in the classroom
· Improving the school environment to support neurodiverse children to engage in learning
· Develop an inclusive culture that improves efficacy of other interventions
· Strengthening partnerships between parents and school.
We are hoping to hold a parent coffee morning where you will be able to find out more about the project. We will set a date for this soon.
You can access the survey here: https://wnvp.surveysparrow.com/s/pins-parent-carer-survey/tt-IsxCT
The responses are sent directly to the Voices in Partnership.
Thank you for your participation and we look forward to sharing with your our progress throughout this project.
Mrs Parsonson
Support, Inspire, Challenge
Make a difference. Become a Parent Governor @ DPS
We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor
Did you know?
Parents governors are volunteers who work as part of the Local Academy Committee for Deanshanger Primary.
Governors at the school work together to provide support and challenge for the school leadership team.
Alongside a meeting each half-term, they visit the school regularly to gain assurance that current priorities are being effectively taken forward.
We are currently looking for a new parent governor.
If you wish to stand for election, you may nominate yourself as a candidate. No proposer or seconder is required, but you must signify your intention to stand, in writing. Those eligible to stand are the parents or carers of pupils who are currently registered pupils at this school. A person who works at the school for more than 500 hours in a consecutive twelve-month period or who is an elected member of the Local Authority is not eligible to be a parent governor.
The term of office will be for four years. A parent whose child leaves the school may continue as a parent governor until the end of their term of office, if he or she so wishes.
Nominations should be sent to me within the next two weeks, that is before the closing date for nominations, which is 21st June. If there is only 1 parent nominated, they will of course be elected unopposed, but if there are more candidates than vacancies, a ballot will be held.
Knowledge of the education sector is not required, but a passion to make a positive contribution most definitely is!
It’s challenging, but extremely rewarding work.
Email: headteacher@deanshanger.northants.sch.uk or
01908 268920
We would love to hear from you!
Deanshanger Primary School is part of The Grand Union Partnership, a local Trust of three other primary schools - Old Stratford, Jubilee Wood and New Bradwell. The Local Academy Committee of each school is delegated its responsibilities by the Board of Trustees.
Volunteers Day
Thank you so much to the families that came along to support school projects on Saturday and Monday! We are extremely grateful for your support. As a result of you generously giving up your time, we have completed the following jobs -
Two classrooms have been repainted
The play shed has been painted
Some outside fencing has been painted
The decking area by the school pond (in forest school) has been completely rebuilt!
Thank you
Fruity Friday
Thank you very much for supporting our Fruity Fridays this year. Not only was this fun for the year group and created opportunities for food preparation and creativity, but it also raised some money for the year groups to spend on 'nice to haves'. In Year 5 for example, they have a graffiti experience, a bouncy castle in Year 1-4, a spa day in Reception, and food for the Year 6's end-of-year party/prom. WOW!
We look forward to more tasty days next year.
As we head into the summer break, we want to remind you that the well-being of your children remains a top priority. While the school doors may be closed, our collective commitment to safeguarding must continue.
If you have any concerns about the safety or well-being of a child during the summer months, please don't hesitate to reach out. Whether it's an issue at home, in the village, or online, help is available.
Sending an email to myself as the DSL is one option, head@deanshanger.northants.sch.uk but please don't do this without also reaching out to the local authority or the police to ensure the concern is picked up at the time of need. The following link takes you to Northamptonshire's Safeguarding Children's Partnership -
This page holds a lot of useful information including how to contact MASH as a parent ie Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
Remember, it's important to stay vigilant and support each other. Let's ensure that every child has a safe and enjoyable summer.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Mrs Rachel Rice
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) - Mrs. Lynn Mildren, Mrs. Natalie Parsonson, Miss. Steph Forward and Mr. Mike Pennington
Wrap Club
You can still book Wrap Club sessions for the remaining days.
Big thanks to our Wrap Club team for offering this opportunity and ensuring lots of fun.
Please be reminded that the community fridge is open every day during term time and non-term time. The door will be closed, but it will be unlocked. Please close it behind you. Thank you
If there is not a pick-up on any particular day, it will be posted on community pages.
Thank you very much to Lisa and Winnie for supporting the daily pick-ups.
On behalf of the Deanshanger Primary Team, thank you for the end-of-term well wishes, thank you cards and gifts.
Wishing you all the most wonderful summer break.
Thank you for being a very strong and supportive school community.
Rachel Rice