Governors update from Mr. David Aaronson, Chair of Governors
Whilst the beginning of last week was slightly quieter, with meetings on Zoom with Mrs. Rice for a general talk and catch up around various issues, (these are very valuable as they keep me informed of school life) and governor training, by the end of last week, governor life became very busy!
On Friday we had the Learning Walk and then yesterday, a curriculum meeting followed by a full governors' meeting. These are constantly supporting school improvement and ensuring that we are aware of school actions and their impact.
Christmas is just around the corner and as we are all aware it will be very different to the normal celebrations we would expect at this time of year, but I am certain that school will do all it can to create a festive atmosphere, whilst keeping everyone safe and well.
I would like to thank all of the governors for their support and hard work during the last term. The same thanks extends to all the staff, pupils and parents/carers.
Can I finally take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and A happy and peaceful New Year?
David Aaronson (Chair of Governors)
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