Governors update from Mr David Aaronson, Chair of Governors
Last week was taken up with a Curriculum meeting where we received a presentation on data linked to expected figures on Writing, Reading, SPAG- Spelling and Grammar—and Maths. As Governors these figures are an important guide to how the children are performing in these areas’.
We also assigned Governors as key leads in every school year so that they can establish a positive working relationship with the teachers and children in that year.
We also had a Full Governing Body meeting that same evening and again we had a full agenda with committee meetings feedback, Head teacher report, School Improvement Plan and ratification of recent policies
The previous Friday there had been a socially distanced Learning walk with the LA, New Bradwell School and a Parent Governor. These are an important part of our role as Governor’s allowing us to see how the school is performing against expectations and actions
Finally last Thursday the Head and I met via Zoom with the LA and New Bradwell School to talk through the progress we had made against a various set of goals and actions. It was a rigorous and challenging time, but both the Head and I were able to give a positive and confident message of our journey moving forward and our and the school's commitment to the future.
These walks and meetings have all required a completely different approach during the present Covid 19 situation and I want to thank everyone Staff, pupils, Governors and parents/carers for their energy, hard work, commitment and support throughout this challenging time.
I would like to wish all of you a very happy Christmas and a peaceful and, hopefully, less stressful New Year - stay safe and well.
David Aaronson (Chair of Governors)
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