At the current time, there are numerous positives each day and several challenging moments; I appreciate that this is the same for you at home too. We all continue to dig as deep as we can to make the very best from this extremely challenging situation. The children continue to be amazing and their progress and resilience is testament to everything that is being put in from this big team effort. Thank you so much.
The staff team here at DPS are phenomenal and are going and over and above but our staffing model is definitely being tested. There have been a few days this week when we have almost had to close bubbles, not due to the risk of covid, but because options available for cover (during staff absence for 'other' reasons) were extremely limited. Thank you for bearing with us at these times.
At the end of the week, I had to ask again if numbers could reduce in school. The phone calls made were to try and see if personal circumstances had changed or could change in order to reduce the risks here in school. Huge thanks for recognising that we would only do this if we really had to / wanted to in order to protect the safety of everyone in the school. Where you have been able to amend plans, we very much appreciate it.
Whilst the government has said 'Children with at least one parent or carer who is a critical worker can go to school or college if required' they go on to say ' but parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can'.
In the March 2020 lockdown we had no more than 16 children in school each day and now we are about 102. I appreciate that this might be less than other schools and equally might be a lot more than others, but it is something that we are always keen focus on. As Headteacher, I wouldn't be doing my job if I let the numbers continually rise without question.
Covid has already had a devastating impact on our school community and our calls to you only come from a place of wanting to minimise the risk as much as is possible. Your respectful and kind understanding is always appreciated during such conversations and I can guarantee that we will continue to do the same.
Like you, I will be watching the news very carefully in the coming days and weeks to hear more about the plans for schools beyond 8th March. In the meantime, thank you very much for keeping in contact with us and working in partnership - we are much stronger working together.
Rachel Rice