Did you know...
Fresh Start lunches are free of charge for all children in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2.
Since September 2014 the government has funded schools in England to provide every child in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 with a hot, nutritious healthy meal at lunchtime. Their aim is to improve academic attainment and save families money.
If your child is in these year groups and is currently bringing in a packed lunch, you could instantly save money by signing up for Fresh Start school lunches. You'd also be saving the time shopping and prepping for the packed lunches.
For children in Years 3,4,5 and 6, the daily cost is £2.50.
Children sit together in their year groups whether they have a packed lunch or a Fresh Start lunch.
If your child is a picky eater, please don't worry at all. The Fresh Start team (and midday supervisors) are used to this and will gently encourage children to give their lunch a try - we'll let you know if the food choices made on Meal Manager are not enjoyed by your child so that a change can be made for future weeks.
Please note: We don't make any money as a school from Fresh Start lunches; we are just keen to promote high-quality food at a reasonable cost or even free!