As always, it has been a busy start to the term with reading across the school. Our younger children in Reception, Years One and Two have been using Huxley Horse Box and news of a new reading challenge is in the process of being organised to share.
The rest of the school continues to be engaged with Accelerated Reader. Competition is very tight! The reading trophy has already left Mr Gregory's classroom once this term!!!!
Our overall school reader is currently Zayne Acharia in Year 4 Peregrine Falcon Class with almost 800,000 words. Brandon Clark (Year 5 Snowy Owls Class), Harry Maynard (Year 5 Rockhopper Penguin Class), Olivia Clark (Year 6 Peacock Class) and Layla Sherburn (Year 6 Puffin Class) are closely following.
At this moment in time, Year Six Puffin Class are narrowly leading the way. There is literally a six-thousand-word difference between them and the other Year Six class. Who knows who will lead by the end of the week?
Julie Atkinson, our school librarian, has shared this information with us. We very much hope you can support our village library.
Deanshanger Village library is now open as follows:-
Wednesday 10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm
Friday 10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm.
The Friends group, staff and volunteers are working towards re-instating this as the great community hub it was pre-March 2020.
The craft activities planned are:-
3:0pm - 4:30pm Friday 8th October Bookmarks to celebrate Libraries Week
3:30pm - 4:30pm Friday 29th October Halloween Crafts, e.g. witches' hats and wands.
3:30pm - 4:30-pm Friday 5th November Bonfire and firework collage pictures and bonfire and firework chalk pictures on dark background paper.
3:30pm - 4:30pm Friday 12th November Remembrance crafts focusing on poppies and other relevant WWI and WWII images e.g. Spitfires, silhouette soldiers from WWII and any type of poppy image. These will be used in collage-work, to be laminated.
*The places will be offered on a first come, first served only basis. This is due to COVID 19 overcrowding restrictions. Handwashing or sanitiser will be essential and supplied by the library.
However, those that turn up when all the places are gone will not be turned away empty-handed but shown examples of the themed craft and given resources to take home. These are free activities.