Chair of Governor Updates
I hope you all had a good half-term and managed to survive the storms unscathed.
Governors have had to reschedule a number of meetings for late March due to circumstances beyond our control, but we are still keeping in touch with everyday life in school.
On Wednesday, I joined a virtual assembly to hear about the areas of work different years have been studying. It was really exciting to hear about the wide range of topics being covered and the positive attitude of the pupils.
On Thursday, I joined the BNTO (Be Nice to Others) group and we talked about good and bad relationships and who you could talk to if you felt unsafe.
Next Monday, governors will be meeting to sign off on our commitment to join the Grand Union Partnership and become an Academy - we will keep you fully informed of the progress.
As Chair can I thank both the staff and you, the parents and carers, for the questions and queries you raised and hope you saw the FAQ document on our website and were reassured by the answers.
I wanted to mention two activities that illustrate the involvement with the local community -
On February 4th the Reception children joined myself and Mrs. Atkinson for a storytelling session at our local library, it is part of an outreach programme to introduce the children to the village library and engage with them through various activities.
Then this Thursday, I joined Miss Stanley and Year 4 to share with them my experiences of Passover. They shared their learning including their menus of kosher foods they would take to a meal.
I was extremely impressed with the questions the children asked - some of them were really challenging as well as amusing.
Please have a good weekend and remember the governors are there for you as well as the school.
Mr. David Aaronson